Organic Agriculture and Its Effects on Development

  • Dr Mohd Awais


Organic agriculture is a method of agriculture, which increases soil quality by maximizing local productivity while minimizing agrochemicals, GMOs and the numerous cytotoxic compounds used as food additives. The harmful health consequences of traditional products are all contributed to by pesticide residues, nitrates, toxic metals, hormones, antibiotic residues and genetically engineered plants. In recent decades, demand for organically grown food has increased in the quest for nutritious food due to possible positive benefits and food safety issues. The commercialization of organic agricultural practices is a means of reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture. The present study examined all pro and con elements of organic agriculture and found that, although organic production has several benefits, it is currently not regarded an adequate agriculture method to meet world food demand. The scope of organic farming for the future appears very feasible if it increases production volumes and is cost-efficient, since organic products are expensive, reducing their demand and thus small-scale production.