Inclusion in Society – “The right of all”

  • Kirti Prashar et al.


The concept of exclusion from society came way back in 1970s. Exclusion from society meant exclusion of individual or group of the individuals from the social facilities, its rights and privileges. It is a state in which group of individuals are unable to participate in social, economic or political environment. Social inclusion on contrary is the solution for social exclusion, the aim of which is to encourage the participation of these excluded communities in our economy and thus remove inequality from our economy. Social inclusion is very important for growth of any economy. The research paper aims to understand the concept of Social exclusion and Social inclusion. Social exclusion can take place at three levels: first is breadth that means one or few dimensions affecting the large no of population, second is concentration which covers multiple dimensions affecting population on basis of geographic areas and last is depth which includes multiple dimensions affecting one individual or group of individuals. This study also helps to understand the principle domains of social exclusion and how social exclusion can be turned into social inclusion. The study highlights the importance of social inclusion for the economy as a whole and suggests the government to provide equal opportunity not to poor or one section of society but to society as a whole. This would help in overall growth of all the deprived section of the society. It would further enable the economy to lead a happy life and would develop friendship and brotherhood in the economy.
