Quest for Self Identity in Attribution to the Upshot of Imperialism

  • Dr.G.Hemalatha et al.


Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness highlights many struggles in his sea-life and explores his adventures on the sea. Heart of Darkness focuses more on imperialism, which destroyed the culture of African country and created a tumult on self-identity among people. As it moves with the emotional fervors, the novel revolves around the character Marlow. All the main themes were delineated through the occurrence of his life that deals with sufferings, conspiracy, and complex relationship. As the story centers on imperialism, deliberates the inferiority complex among the colored people and  the issues related to psychosomatic threat. This paper chiefly emphasizes on the hard menace of African people through various psychological and augmentative issues like, complexity in relationship, cruel attitude, slavery and racism etc. Equality and freedom help people to learn philosophical and spiritual values, which are highly essential for human life. Economic status and education are also helpful to achieve the harmony in life and understand the people in a better way.
