Job Related Frustration and its Effect on the Performance of Industrial Security Workforce in India

  • Shri T C Bhattacharya
  • Dr. Manish Srivastava


Frustration at  work place has  been a  major  cause of  concern  with  almost  every    field of  human  activities, particularly so  in the  highly  competitive  business world. In psychology, frustration is a common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment.Frustration arises from the perceived resistance to the fulfillment of an individual's will or goal and is likely to increase when a will or goal is denied or blocked ( DeBotton, Alain 2011).As a result  of  frustration at  workplace, often the  performance of  employees and workers are  likely to  be affected and best output from the human-resource may not be  available. In a security organizationlike Industrial security units, thismay leads to visible levels of inefficiency. Industrial security force personnel , being  first  responder  for any incident  at the  plant or  Industrial units are subjected to come under  the  scrutiny of  criticism on falling levels of efficiency.  Job related frustration  often  also  leads  the  severely affected  personnel to  take  extreme steps of   committing suicide or  running amuck  . There are several reasons forthe  workforce  to get frustrated  and correspondingly  there are  also mechanisms to deal with frustration. The superior officers as well as the  Peer  group within the  organization has  important role to play in mitigating and countering the  frustration of subordinate employees.  This  article  analyses the  causes of the Job related  frustrations  that  may come up with  the  Industrial security force personnel  and   the  adverse  effect of these  frustration on to the  performance and efficiency  of the  Industrial security  workforce with  the suggested  sets of measures  to counter Job related Frustrations.
