Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Noncancerous Increase in Size of Prosate Gland

  • S.Purnima chandralekha, S. Navyasree, A.Kishore babu, Dr.A.Kishore Babu


Abstract : Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the enlargement of prostate gland it is mainly caused due to the overgrowth of benign glandular tissue and leads to the constriction of urethra decreased urine output.BPH is the common disease condition mostly seen in ageing men above 40 years with prevalence of 8 60% at age 90 years. Genetics, Diet and Life style play major role in BPH. Some data suggested that there is decreased risk among the Asians compared to western white population and the exact etiology of this condition is unknown but some risk factors have been identified. Major risk factors seen in BPH are modifiable (Sex steroid syndrome, cerebrovascular disease, obesity, DM, Diet physical activity and inflammation). unmodifiable(risk factors age,genetics,geography) increase the progression of BPH and the symptoms are Obstructive LUTS (Lower urinary tract symptoms) Urinary hesitancy, weak stream, straining or prolonged voiding. IrritableLUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms) Increased urinary frequency, Urgency, Nocturia, Urge incontinency. The treatment for BPH depends upon number of factors like age, prostate size, with prostate specific antigen level and severity of the symptoms. 5 alpha reeducates inhibitors decrease the production of dihydrotestosterone within the prostate which results in decreased prostate volume. Increased peak urinary flow rate, improvement of symptoms,decreased risk of acute urinary retention. AlphaAR antagonist decreased lower urinary symptoms and increased flow rates in men with symptomatic BPH but do not reduce the long-term risk of urinary retention or need for surgical intervention (trans urethral resection prostate)
