The Essentials of Suspense in "Great Expectations"
Bestowing to the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his book 'Poetics', 'Suspense' is a significant constructing slab of literature. In very broad terms, it consists of having some real danger intimidating and a beam of hope. If there is no hope, the audience will feel misery. The two mutual consequences are: (1) The danger drumming, whereby the audience will feel mournful. (2) The desires being realized, whereby the audience will first feel delight, then composition. Many critics see the derivation of detective tale in Charles Dickens novels. Great Expectations has exact mysteries. Suspense plays very imperious role in the novel from the beginning to the end. The novelist includes mystery to sustain the readers interest. As the time comes he resolves mysteries one after another. The novel was written by Charles Dickens in 1860 as a Tragic-Comedy to plea to readers who liked to laugh, liked romance and liked mystery. The first chapter is very important as it sets the scene in ways of where the story is set, it introduces us to characters and their personalities, gives us as readers any background information about the characters which may be relevant and also needs to get the readers concentration to make them want to read on. We are introduced to Pip as a lonely boy, quite isolated who is at the overgrown churchyard to visit his father, mother and younger brothers who have all passed away before Pip was old enough to understand what they were like and even who they were. Dickens uses a wide range of vocabulary to describe the scenery creating the lonely atmosphere of Pip being isolated surrounded with nature such as lawn, hurdles, cattle, tombstones etc.