Effect of Yogic Practices with and Without Pranayama on BMI and Anxiety among over Weight Women
The purpose of the study was to find out the effect of yogic practices with and without pranayama on BMI and anxiety among overweight women. To facilitate the study, 45 subjects were selected at random from Chennai city only. Their age were ranged between 30-40 years. They were assigned into three groups with fifteen subjects each (n=15). Experimental Group - I underwent yogic practices with pranayama, Experimental Group II underwent yogic practices without pranayama and Group III served as a control group. All the subjects were analytically tested on the scale of BMI and anxiety level prior to the study and immediately after the 12 weeks program. The initial and final scores obtained using the Digital Weighing machine and Stadiometer calculated by Standard formula on BMI scale and Becks Anxiety Inventory on Anxiety were put into statistical analysis using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) to find out the significant mean differences. It was concluded that yogic practices with and without pranayama significantly had impacted the BMI and anxiety among the Over Weight Women. Moreover yogic practices with pranayama significantly influenced better than the yogic practices without pranayama on BMI and anxiety among the Over Weight Women.