An Analysis of Health Benefits of Orange

  • Dr. Shiva Sharma, Dr. Maya Datt Joshi, Anvesha Sinha, Dr. Niladry Sekhar Ghosh


Citrus plants, which include fruits such as orange, mandarin, lime, lemon, sour orange, and grapefruit, belong to the Rutaceae family and seem to be a well-known potential source of many beneficial nutrients for humans. Due to the huge quantity of peel generated, citrus by-product processing may be a significant source of phenolic compounds and dietary fiber. Citrus fruit leftovers, which are usually thrown as trash in the environment, may be used as a source of nutraceuticals. Such wastes are capable of providing substantial low-cost nutritious dietary supplements due to their cheap cost and simple availability. The use of these bioactive-rich citrus leftovers may offer a cost-effective, environmentally friendly foundation for the development of new nutraceuticals or the enhancement of existing ones. The possible components found in citrus peel, which is often thrown as trash, were carefully summarized in this study.
