The Investigation of the Agriculture Growth in the India

  • Dr Mohd Awais


Agriculture involves the preparation for human consumption and transportation to markets of animal and plant products. Wool, leather and cotton are all farm products which provide much of the world's manufacturing and foods. Agriculture is also supplied with wood for building paper and goods. These commodities might change from area to region, together with the agricultural practices used. The research examines a variety of statistics, including patterns in food consumption spending per capita in India and an annual average per capita growth rate between 1983 and 1988. Better institutionally-supported states such as Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, and Maharashtra, water supply and investment and non-farm employment have a greater average size, whereas Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Maharashtra have a smaller average size. For planners and other stakeholders, the future of agriculture is a vital issue. Government and other organizations, such as small farmers, prime and secondary processes and supply chains are striving to address the major challenges faced by India's agriculture, as well as infrastructure for promoting an effective use of resources and marketing. Cost-efficient alternatives that protect the environment and conserve our natural resources must be explored.