A Big Financial Management Gap

  • Dr. Neha Vashistha, Dr. Anuj Goel, Dr. Preeti Garg, Dr. Anshu Choudhary


This article covers financial management studies on large projects published in journals of great impact. Our goal is to find answers to the following questions from the study: (a) what financial characteristics are being studied? (b) Financial principles for large project management? The method used was a bibliographical analysis of research papers published between 2000 and 2013 in the main databases. Our results indicate that success is the most important factor, despite the fact that there is still no consensus on performance assessment. Whereas in recent years there has been a growth in the number of articles in this area, there is also the lack of high-impact journals. Example studies (nearly 60 percent), with just one example addressed in most circumstances, and are the most frequently used method. Financial efficiency is the most often researched subject, but no agreement has yet been established on how to evaluate megaproject success. A megaproject assessment is seldom done out, even if it is the financial goal of any business. Fiscal studies and assessments of the main programmes' budgetary structure are also sparse. Such comparable study topics of emphasis include stakeholder or risk management, as well as public-private partnerships.
