A Comprehensive Survey on Significance of New Drug Delivery Systems in the Herbal Medicines
Plant-based medicines have been used for various diseases by the human race since time immemorial. However, these phytomedicines suffer from restrictions, which are primarily due to problems with stability and low lipid solubility. In order to overcome these problems, new phytomedicines drug delivery systems are being developed. Vesicular delivery systems such as liposomes, phytosomes, ethosomes, transferosomes, and particulate delivery systems such as microspheres, micro pellets, nanoparticles, and micro and nano emulsions are used in these novel herbal drug delivery systems. For the enhancement of stability, bioavailability and toxicity reduction, several herbal medicines have been introduced into these systems. This analysis highlights the current status of the production of novel herbal formulations and their therapy applications. Before chemists undertook to synthesise synthetic silver bullets for all those diseases, and before pharmaceutical firms hitched our collective wellbeing to what became a multibillion dollar wagon for them, the future of medicine is rooted in the past. Almost all the drugs came from the plants in the past; for centuries, the herb was man's only chemist. Herbs are staging a revival, herbal 'renaissance' is happening all over the world, and more and more people are taking notice of herbal remedies instead of conventional medicine to treat different kinds of ailments.