A Review on India’s Demographic Dividend and Future of the Indian Population
In the demography of their country, each economy has a shifting pattern, as and when life cycles change. The nation's youth are the nation's future, as they shape the economy's diverse human capital. An aging population would drain the country's economic wealth, since they are not economically productive workers. The country's youth and working-age population actively contribute to work and contribute to the nation's economic development. India has a higher birth rate than a death rate with an asynchronous transition; it has a younger population and lower dependents than most nations, enabling it to reap the benefits of demographic dividend. This demographic dividend, combined with higher investment in the nation's human resources through improved quality of education, a hygienic and efficient work climate, and improved health facilities, would propel the nation towards greater economic growth and development. The better prepared the nation's human capital is, the better they gain, and therefore their capacity to consume and induce the economic growth of the nation is increased. The country would face economic depression and high rates of unemployment if this potential is not used favourably and then squandered by underutilization and lack of government initiative.