Rights of Prisoners in India

  • Amit Verma


Our nation is famed for its independence and its rich culture, but it is really sad that there are no codified and clear rules on the rights of prisoners in developed countries like India. However, this fact cannot be rejected because through their judgments and interpretations, our Honourable Judiciary has not ignored the prisoners and recognized different rights for them; In addition, in recent decades, the rights related to prisoners have undergone a drastic change as an increased awareness of the desperate need for prison reform dawned on the people. The prisoner is a person who, as a penalty of offence, is restraint to enjoy his liberty and capture under the jail or imprisonment. The need for civil rights for survivors and the safety of life is not denied by becoming a guilty citizen or being on trial. This paper discusses the present legislative and legal system in India to protect the interests of inmates and also clarifies the different executive and judicial directives provided from time to time with regard to the needs and treatment of inmates. Several universal legal instruments have made an enormous contribution to the gradual advancement of the human rights of prisoners. This paper explores the instruments available and compares them to the laws existing in India to provide guarantees to preserve their civil dignity and legal rights. In order to acquaint them with the rights they deserve as human beings, the final section of the paper provides numerous recommendations for refining the prevalent condition of prisoners in India.
