Designing Collaboration Process Facilitation in Hotel Management Teams to Improve Collaboration Performance

  • Aditya Kumar Sharma


This investigation proposes an organized joint effort measure giving procedural direction to encourage smooth cooperation among lodging supervisory crews. Design science research (DSR) and activity research strategies were followed to create and assess a compelling cycle assistance dependent on joint effort designing (CE) for bunch situated arrangements in the friendliness business. We talked with individuals from the lodging the board groups who utilized our cycle for experiences and criticism and led a second-round emphasis to enhance the planned curio. As per the exploration discoveries, the planned antique was seen as simple to follow. Accommodation bunches that sent the proposed cycle assistance announced great cooperation exhibitions. Interviewees recorded a few benefits of our coordinated effort measure, including organized cooperation direction, exacting time control, and thought age consolation. As one of the principal studies to receive DSR system in inn supervisory crews, this paper advances a significant way to deal with cooperation designing in the accommodation business.
