A Study of the Cyber-Crimes and Their Influences on Individuals

  • Vipin Jain


In the modern age of internet processing, the large volume of information accessible online is vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Here are indeed a large amount of cybercrimes, and their activity is hard to understand initial, making it tough to regulate throughout the early stages of cybercrimes. Cyber-attacks may have a motive behind them, or they may be inadvertently processed. Attacks that are deliberately processed may be called cyber criminals and have significant social consequences in the terms of economic damage, psychiatric disturbance, national security risks, etc. Restriction against cyber criminals relies on careful consideration of their actions and awareness of their effect on society. When corporations, government departments, and people continue to depend even more on themselves, so have the criminals. Depends on the careful study of their actions and comprehension of their effect on different layers of society. Consequently, a comprehensive overview of cyber criminals including their effect on different fields such as co-policy, customer confidence, youth, etc. and potential developments regarding cyber-crimes is described throughout the present manuscript.
