Aqua Silencer: A Review

  • Sunil Kumar


An Aqua Silencer is employed for control of emission and noise in automobile exhaust. By using activated carbon, perforated tube and outer shell it's constructed. Or in other words Aqua Silencer may be a modified version of a conventional silencer aimed toward the reduction of toxic emission from the exhaust of an IC engine into the atmosphere and also to scale back the noise that's produced by damping methods which involves water and hence the name. Day by day the pollution goes on increasing. The most source of the pollution is Exhaust from automobiles and industries. Hence, to scale back these pollutants from Exhaust of Engine a replacement technology is introduced called Aqua silencer. An Aqua silencer may be a device wont to filter the pollutants produced from automobiles like CO, UBHC, NOx and Lead. It uses the charcoal layer, perforated tube and water for its working. Thanks to water, the noise is additionally getting reduced than open environment. Due to this it gets named as AQUA SILENCER.
