• Akshay Jain


May 16th is recognized as the National Day of Dengue in India. The Swahili term dinga, representing fastidious or careful, originates from the Spanish word dengue. An effort by the National Dengue Day Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is intended to increase awareness of dengue and its prevention measures. Dengue fever (DF) is a widespread dengue virus-induced mosquito-borne illness. It is caused by the dengue virus serotype 4 and is spread to humans by the female Aedes mosquito. Dengue virus transmission is highly affected by Aedes aegypti's primary mosquito vector, rainfall, temperature utilization, and distribution. In preparing effective control measures against dengue fever, information on the burden of dengue disease, its occurrence rate, and regional spread is important. To monitor and deter the transmission of pathogens and to minimize influenza flare-ups, global warming plays a major role in calculating disease dissemination.
