Mental Health of Humans Affected by the Changes in the Climate

  • Rashmi Chauhan


In the shape of heatwave hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and droughts, climate is changing. Psychological health may be influenced by climate change. Substantial evidence has reported the adverse effects of vulnerability to extreme weather conditions that are associated with changing climate on physical wellbeing, mental wellbeing, and social interactions. Both displacement and violence are expected to escalate the more incremental changes associated with a changing world. Recent times, via emotional reactions, like heightened fear, focus has shifted to the potential consequences of climate change on mental wellbeing. This paper explores, and hypothesises on how to resolve, the essence of climate anxiety and any evidence for its existence. While climate anxiety seems to be a real problem that needs therapeutic treatment, it is important to differentiate between the levels of anxiety that are evolutionary and self destructive. A emphasis on human mental wellbeing should not divert attention from the public reaction required to counter climate change.
