• Dr. Kishore Kumar P


 Internet-of-things (IoT) is the particular integration of various electronic devices; Internet of Things (IoT) is providing value to products and applications in recent years. The connectivity of the IoT devices over the network has reduced the consumption of power, connectivity and robustness to access information over the network. The smart office  automation of Biometric, lightning & cooling proposed systems enhance the way to control the office, the function of Biometric, air conditioning & lightning systems and their interactions with authorized users. The proposed system measures present temperatures at different parts of the office, this proposed system also provides the occupancy status means presence of employee in the office. Thus the authorized authority can monitor all the information with the help of the GSM module and control the office as the authority wants. Moreover, energy saving is one of the most important parts of trends now. With the help of the number of employee status, the proposed system automatically turns on the light and system devices when the office is empty automatically turn them off. Which improves the energy consumption as well as the users’ experience? Also with help of installed mobile Application on their phone, authorized authorities can monitor or control live status of the office from anywhere as long as the internet exists.
