Security Alarm for the Window Glass in Open Position

  • Dr. Venkadeshwaran K


With the increase in the luxury automobiles there is a need to increase the security of the same. A lot of automatic and security features are already made available in the automobiles but still there are some basic security systems are yet not provided and there is need for them. The one such feature is automatic security alarm if the windows glass remains open when the car’s occupants are not the cars. This security alarm is provided to ensure the closing of the windows glass when the car left the car in the parking. This alarm works when the car is locked using the remote key or the manual key and the windows glass remains open. When the windows glass remains open then due to the completion of the circuit for the alarm the alarm will start buzzing but when the window glass is in closed position the circuit of alarm will break or will become open and alarm will not sound. This technique will ensure more safety for the vehicles when the vehicles are parked but due to negligence the glass of any windows remains open that breach the security of the vehicle.
