“An Economic Analysis on Estimate Food Security index in Karnataka Region”

  • Rama Naik D, Dr P S Sasdhar


This article analyze the food security has undergone considerable changes in recent years. Food availability and stability were considered good measures of food security till the seventies and the achievement of self-sufficiency was accorded high priority in the food policies of developing countries. The present study focuses on assessing household food security in Karnataka district, food and nutrition security. Social studies of health and food security suggest a complex relationship between socio-economic status, nutrition and well being. Food and Nutrition Security is achieved, if adequate food (quantity, quality, safety, socio-cultural acceptability) is available and accessible for and satisfactorily utilized by all individuals at all times to live a healthy and happy life. To study the food security, nutrition status, and sustainable agriculture and the targets in Karnataka. To study the factors influencing food and nutrition distribution in the selected districts in Karnataka. The secondary data available regarding the achievements of the nutrition and food security Karnataka region Data was gathered from secondary data source. The problem of nutrition and food security in Karnataka needs to be viewed basically in two dimensions, viz., macro level and micro level. Earlier studies on food security have focused on either of these two dimensions. My study has brought forth important and useful information regarding the household nutrition and food security, characteristic of food insecurity and the influencing factors. I also exercised to present the gender differences in food and nutrition security and health profile, adult men and women who are head of the family and stakeholder were chosen for assessment
