Isadora as a Mother in Erica Jong’s Fear of Flying

  • Dr. Kiran Shekhawat et. al


Fear of Flying is a novel that has changed lives of many people. Even after 44 years of its publication, it is read and appreciated. The novel deals with a significant number of problems related to women in the early1970's and which are still present in the society. One of the issues discussed in Fear of Flying is motherhood which was an imposition on women. This paper will focus on the social obligations of women regarding motherhood prevailing in 1960s. It was the time when women were not at all free but the protagonist of Fear of Flying, Isadora Wing rejects to accept this. She wants to establish herself as a writer but her wishes are hindered because of the expectations of her family, society, culture and also her own apprehensions. In order to come out of all these apprehensions, the protagonist goes through an emotional journey in which she has an extra-marital affair and ends up in search of her peace of mind. This paper focuses on how a person in spite of all problems and so many social obligations achieve what one wants to, in this case being a writer.
