A short Review on Phytosome formulation of Ayurvedic Drugs

  • Risabet Lamare et al.


Research on nutraceuticals is not restricted only up to the exploration of a better drug molecule; it also concentrates
on the production of a better dosage form or drug deliveries to surpass the limitations of conventional Ayurvedic
dosage forms like swarasa, kwath, ksheerpaka, etc. Conventional Ayurvedic dosage forms suffer from problems
related to dose, stability, shelf life, packaging and handling. Modification of these conventional Ayurvedic
formulations can serve as a better and broader application for their utilization as a nutraceutical product.
Transforming these conventional dosage forms into phytosome can overcome the limitations that come along with
them. Hence, provide several benefits such as a modified dosage form, better efficiency for antioxidants and
preservatives, stable composition of the drug and better stability with improved packaging and handling system.
