Analysis of Methods and Approaches to Detect Diabetic Retinopathy Diseases

  • Puja Kumbhalkar et al.


In this research article, a brief insight into the detection of DR in human eyes using different types of preprocessing & segmentation techniques is being presented. There are a number of methods of segmenting the blood vessels that are present in the retina & once the retinal nerve fibres are segmented, one can detect whether the eyes are affected with diabetic retinopathy or not. In fact, this detection depends on the area of the RNFL network. If the total area of the nerve fibre is less, then it is affected with diabetic retinopathy (DR)& if the area of the nerve network is more, then the eyes are not affected with the diabetic retinopathy and hence it is normal. It is a wellknown fact that diabetics assumes a vital job in the health of the human beings & affects each and every organ. One such organ in the human eye. This DR will give rise tovision loss in the human eye as the optic nerve is connected to the brain. The retinal fundus images are commonly used for detecting & analyzing of disease in disease affected images. Raw retinal fundus images are difficult to process by machine learning algos. Hence, a survey is being given here in this very context. This is a review paper / survey paper in which any researcher who reads this paper, he / she can get some idea about the disease in the human eye, how it gets affected, symptoms, etc... In fact to say, the paper can be thought of as an introductory paper about the diabetic retinopathy& its background. Various research analyzers have chipped away at this theme of the topic till now. To start with, 100s of research papers were collected from various sources, studied @ length & breadth and a brief review of the eye disease issues was being made & presented here in a nutshell. In the sense, the recent works done by various authors across the globe is being presented here in this context so that this review article serves as the base for any researcher who is working in the field of ophthalmology could define their ownnew research problem. One of the important organ of the human being is the eye. It has to be noted that if the eyes are not there, then the whole world would be dark & the human life even though it is existing will be a waste. Different types of the diseases occurs in the eyes. One of the deadliest disease which occurs in the eyes is the DR. This disease is the second largest disease which is occurring amongst the human beings as per the WHO United Nations survey. Hence, utmost importance has to be given to the eye care. This disease occurs due the reduction of the nerve area in the retina. If the area of the RNFL decreases, then the optic nerve which is connecting to the brain gets damage, leading to the loss of vision. In this paper, a mere introduction is given to the diabetic retinopathy disease. Hence, anexhaustive review is given w.r.t. the said disease, which is the topic of research taken by us as a part of the Ph.D. programme.
